
Welcome to Discover The World Children’s Center

Our Programs

Research shows that a whole-child approach to education- where children have opportunities to develop math, literacy, social-emotional, physical and cognitive skills is developmentally appropriate and prepares children for life. We do this through a combination of teacher directed activities and child initiated activities.

Teacher Directed Activities

Some of the skills learned by engaging in teacher directed activities

  • Develop physical skills through movement
  • Follow directions
  • Build cognitive skills in math, literacy and science
  • Develop social skills
  • Respond to music
  • Develop listening skills
  • Create through art and drama experiences

Child Initiated Activities

Some of the skills learned by engaging in child initiated activities:

  • Develop problem-solving skills
  • Learn through hands-on experiences
  • Practice self-regulation skills
  • Apply cognitive skills
  • Make discoveries
  • Work cooperatively